
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Trinity has a long standing commitment to missions. Join us as we go around the world and across the street to proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ.

Active Missionaries

Ron, Katherine, and Kiara Sutton
Quito, Ecuador

Raising up and discipling the next generation of church leaders

High in the Andes mountains of Ecuador, the Suttons are building a network of 16 churches, 12 pastors, and countless church planters who are working together to plant new  churches, strengthen churches, and send Ecuadorian missionaries to finish the task in Ecuador and around the world.

For more information, not to support us through prayer, giving or sending a mission team, please contact Ron at ron@trinitycg.org.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write an encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.